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Open & Change Creator Code

To also convert the selected file(s) creator code to match that of the chosen application, hold down command key when you choose the application from the menu.

Some applications register no file types, but can attempt to open any file. For such applications converting the creator code or file type is not possible, so an error message is displayed if you try to do so (except for AppleScript droplets which are automatically launched and asked to open the file(s)). It is only possible to open the selected file(s) using such an application.


Advanced User Dialog Box

To open a dialog box which allows the file type to be changed, hold down the option key when you choose the application from the menu.

The dialog box allows the following actions to be specified:

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when using the dialog box:

If you are using the advanced user dialog, you are assumed to know what you are doing: none of the usual warning messages are displayed when you use this dialog.

The original creator code and file type of the first file in the Finder selection are displayed inside parenthesis on the right hand side of the dialog.

The dialog box is automatically placed close to the mouse cursor to minimize mouse travel and speed use of the dialog. The dialog box will cancel itself after around 30 seconds if no actions occur in the dialog box. The cancel button will flash occasionally as a warning. This is to minimize how long Finder is held up by the modal dialog box.

If you hold down both the command and option keys, then the dialog box is opened with the open using checkbox not checked (it is checked by default).


Type Sensitive Configuration

It is possible to configure the OpenUsing Folder so that different items are load into the OpenUsing submenu depending upon the file type of the first selected file.

This is done by placing specially named folders in the OpenUsing Folder. The names must consist of a list of file types contained within square brackets ("[" and "]"). The contents of such folders are loaded only if the file type of the first selected file exactly matches one of the types in the folder's name. The contents of these folders is loaded without creating a submenu. You can still use an ordering prefix as part of the name.

Each file type can be either a 4 character Macintosh file type (eg. "TEXT"), or a 1 to 4 character file name suffix (eg. "readme.txt"). The types must be separated using either a comma (",") or a dot ("."). Types of length 1 to 3 are always treated as file name suffixes. Types of length 4 are treated as Macintosh file types when preceded by a comma, and as file name suffixes when preceded by a dot.

A comma or dot preceding the first type is optional but recommended. If omitted, 4 character types are treated as Macintosh file types, while 1 to 3 character types are treated as file name suffixes.

Note that Macintosh file types are case sensitive, while file name suffixes are not.

Two special Macintosh "types" are defined:

Some valid type sensitive folder names are shown below:

Matches file type "JPEG":
Matches suffix "txt":
Matches file type "html":
Matches sufix "html":
Matches file type "JPEG", and suffix "txt":
Matches file type "TEXT", suffix "txt", and folders:
Matches file type "TEXT", suffix "txt", and suffix "fold":

You can have a special folder that is loaded only if no other type sensitive folders have yet been loaded. This is done by naming the folder "[****]". For best effect you should use an ordering prefix to ensure that this folder is loaded last.

Finally, you can use curly brackets ("{"and "}") instead of square brackets to specify exclusive folders. A maximum of one exclusive folder is loaded. There is also an equivalent "{****}" folder that is loaded only if no other exclusive folders are loaded.

Installation Configuration Usage Advanced Options Trouble Shooting Version History